Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

my lovely BIG family


Those photos taken when my sister, Letty, graduated from UGM faculty of management. Around when i was in second grade of senior high school classes.
Here they are my family : papa Herman, mama Yiyiek, mbak Letty, maz Gumas, mas Khusban, deviayun (me), Dodo, and Reni. What a big family aren't we??

left to right (top) : maz Gumas, mbak Letty, me (Deviayun), maz Khusban
(down) : Reni, papa Herman, mama Yiyiek, Dodo

not only bestfriend forever but also my sister forever


There are our silly freaking photos in Cheaper Cheaper Store, 3rd floor Ambarukmo Plaza. Taken when we still in early third grade of senior high school..

In Centro

my new family in LM Psi UGM :)


Btw, I'm a part of Lembaga Mahasiswa Psikologi UGM members. I'm in PSDMO (Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Organisasi) department and in here i found new family are fun, crazy, and humble.. Thanks God, for what You provided to me :)

from karang waru to kuwaru


Last jan 30th i joined the reunion with my senior high school's friends. They are my friends in second grade. Well, my second grade class name is Badjoeri (Barisan Joeang Rakyat Ipa 1). From Karang Waru to Kuwaru, haha thats a very appropriate title. We gathered in Karang Waru then went to Kuwaru. What a fucking awesome this moment :) miss them so damn much :p Unfortunanely only few friends joined this reunion, coz many are busy. But its okay, thats not reduce our fun..

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

when i got stuck


ya Allah, kemudahan itu tak ada kecuali apa yang Engkau jadikan mudah dan Engkau jadikan kesedihan itu sebagai hal yang mudah, jika Engkau menghendakinya.

obat mujarab itu bernama "kesederhanaan"


Seorang Raja memiliki istri yang sangat ia cintai. Sayangnya, istrinya tersebut belum bisa memberinya keturunan. Banyak tabib telah berusaha mengobatinya, banyak yang tidak berhasil. Sampai suatu saat sang Raja diberi tahu bahwa ada seorang tabib yang sangat mahir di suatu tempat.

Panggillah ia kemari!” titah sang Raja.

Tak berapa lama, datanglah sang tabib dimaksud ke hadapan Raja.

Jika kalian ingin aku mengobatinya, biarkanlah aku berdua dengan sang permaisuri dan tutuplah dengan hijab!” kata sang Tabib.

Mereka kemudian meninggalkan Tabib dengan Permaisuri.

Setelah kuperiksa kitabku secara seksama, ternyata ajalmu telah dekat. Sisa umurmu tak cukup untuk mengandung dan melahirkan. Umurmu hanya tinggal 40 hari lagi!” kata sang Tabib kepada Permaisuri raja.

Sejak pertemuannya dengan sang Tabib, nafsu makan sang Permaisuri drastis menurun. Makan siang dihidangkan, namun ia tidak menyentuhnya. Sungguh Raja sangat khawatir dengan kondisi istrinya tersebut.

Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi denganmu?” tanya Raja.

Orang bijak itu kemarin mengatakan bahwa umurku tinggal 40hari saja,” jelas istrinya.

Permaisuri lalu menceritakan semua yang dikatakan sang Tabib. Dari hari ke hari tubuh sang Permaisuri semakin kurus. Empat puluh hari lewat, tetapi ia ternyata tidak kunjung mati juga. Raja kemudian mengutus orang untuk mengundang sang Tabib mahir itu kembali.

Empat puluh hari telah berlalu, namun istriku ternyata masih hidup,” kata sang Raja kepada Tabib itu.

Sesungguhnya aku tidak tahu kapan ajalku tiba, apalagi ajal orang lain. Namun saat itu aku tidak menemukan obat yang lebih manjur selain dari berita yang bisa menakutkan sang Permaisuri. Istrimu selalu makan yang nikmat-nikmat sehingga lemak menutup rahimnya. Sekarang, temuilah dia dan berhubunganlah dengannya. Insya Allah, dia akan hamil,” jelas sang Tabib.

Secara medis, banyak makan yang nikmat-nikmat yang kebanyakan mengandung lemak, akan mempercepat kematian. Hidup sehat adalah hidup yang serba cukup, tanpa berlebihan. Sepertiga perut untuk makanan, sepertiga untuk minuman, dan sepertiga lagi untuk bernapas.

Kesederhanaan adalah obat dari segala penyakit, jasmani dan rohani. Apabila kita terbiasa mengumbar nafsu kenikmatan makanan sejak dini, bersiap-siaplah menuai berbagai penyakit kelak di masa tua.


Burhanudin, Yusuf. 2007. Saat Tuhan Menyapa Hatimu. Bandung . Mizania. Hal 207-209

ulen sentalu, kaliurang


Well, well, well..

This is my family holiday. Mom, my old sister Letty, my young brother Dodo, and my young sister Reni. They went to Kaliurang, precisely in Ulen Sentalu. Yes, i was not join with them, because final exams (sigh). I just wanna share their photographs from my sister, because i think its very nice..

my lovely family :)

my lovely young brother and sister :)

what kind of "ritual" they were doing -__-

me after crying


My eyes are very big NO NO NO ckck thats so horrible.. And oh damn! This picture show to us (again) that i didn't have a nose (sigh) even im still look beautiful haha :D

sour sally? hiks


Well, actually for 2 weeks, i was cravings wanna eat Sour Sally. But but but, in jogja there was no Sour Sally, that was made me sad. Grateful in Galeria Mall, there is yoghurt like Sour Sally. Not as good as Sour Sally but better than nothing. The taste of the yoghurt not as smooth, delicious, and yummy as Sour Sally. But its okay, this progress for ogja.

This is want i want

And this is what i got

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

cerita tiga kelapa


Btw, i had funny story bout these photographs. Because i got stuck to looking the title, so i asked my friend to gave me some ideas. And you know what he gave to me? Here they are : Debur Ombak Penghantam Kelapa, Sapuan Air Berserpih Kelapa, dan Cerita Tiga Kelapa. Wahahaha that's so freaking ridiculous okay?? :)) haha but because of all that, i got an story idea. Actually, first i gave this title with "Lonely? Fragile? Tough?" but when i was take a shower, i got inspiration. Cerita Tiga Kelapa. Yeah, thats im so.
I was stunned when i saw those photographs which me and my sister took it. Taken accidentally okay. But, than i thought back, stunned.. and damn! Those photographs just like my love story huhuaa~

There are 3 coconuts, they are me, my ex-boyfriend, and new exes girlfriend. I'm the fragile coconut one. The coconut on the water is new exes girlfriend, and the one out of the water is my ex. Why i'm the fragile? Because yeah, in that situation absolutely i cant hold my self strong. But it's okay, this fucking unusual way made me tough, patient, and always do and think wiser.

And now, i can stand up my self strong, swimming toward the edge, and i proudly look at the waves, and firmly shout defiantly. I'm a woman, who are looking for identity, trying to achieve self-actualization. Be a better person..

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

my grandpa


I miss my grandpa, he died in 1993. I tell u something. When i was born in 1991, i only had one grandpa from my mom, and one grandma from my dad. And my grandma died in 1998, so it means that already 12 years i didn't have grandpa and grandma and didn't feel their love. I called my grandpa and grandma from my mom with Eyang Papi and Eyang Mami. From my dad with Eyang Kakung and Eyang Putri. There are my Eyang Papi's photos..

When he was still young..

My lovely Eyang Papi. Ufh i miss him so damn much :(

my painting : )


I painted this painting when i'm still in 2nd grade junior high school. Looks pretty well, huh? Actually i'm not very good at painting ahahaha. And picture like this, is my favorite, so in every draw lesson, for some reason i always draw this picture. Such as in 3rd grade senior high school. There was paint on canvas work, and again i painted this picture. Unfortunately i don't have my canvas paint's photograph, but i hope you like my painting : )

Oh yeah, for your information, now this painting is damaged. Damaged infected cat scratches, Ucil. And leaving only the top, because the bottom has been destroyed. Oh poor painting..

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

pangandaran beach


Like Tanah Lot Bali, isn't it?

i don't have a nose, huh?


There are some photos that show evidence that i didn't have nose or i have a pug nose -__- This photo was taken when i was vacationing in Pangandaran, Jawa Barat, July 2009.

lollipop from tobe


Thanks to Tobe Sagala who gave me lollipops. He gave me two lollipops, one for me and one i gave to Rora. Tobe said, he got the lollipops with ask for help to buy it from his friends who went to Bandung. Oh my .. thank you Tobe :)

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

jogja jamming part 3